Individual Mission Statement

Ever since creating this blog, 
I found & foresee it 
to be a very useful, personal instrument. 
From now on 
it's possible for me
to grasp opportunities 
in contacting theatre people 
and plan discussion dates with them. 

Without A.E. I would not have been able to take that action, and remained stuck in simply leaving an exhibition clueless, or a theatre production passing short polite congrats to the director.

Overall equation. 
More encounters ahead 
means more material to write, 
resulting in future knowledge, 
and confidence gained. 

Psyched big time!!

Short apprise:

I have lately been facing difficulty by this blogging service 
posting pics in new posts . . .
becoming quite a headache in truth.

So until I find some sort of solution to this hiccup, please bear with me and the plain-ness of some of the next posts:

Theatre exposing Human Trafficking 
(intend this to be in 2 parts)

LATEST SEGMENT to Artistic Encounters
Promoting new talent entitled "Calling to the Stage"
by bringing forth 
currently facing difficulty 
in promoting themselves as artists, 
even finding themselves 
in a sort of 'backstage period'. 

FIRST SEGMENTS - Short Chat with photographer Stephanie Sant on her participation in Divergent Thinkers
                              - Introducing Claire Farrugia's 'breathing' works of art

                 Till then . . .

Wishing a blessed Merry Christmas 
and a fruitful New Year!

Copyright © Diandra A. 2013

A Debut Salute

17th October 2013


"I've wanted to make this blog for quite some time, primarily meant to promote myself as an actor. Then events occurred that made me take a particular work, place it here and then later expand this cyber workspace with other writings that echo characteristics and similar themes of this article.

The whole experience prior to this action has inspired me to want to meet other people in the theatre circle & other artists of sorts, and turn each meeting into a learning experience. As well as bring about debate and Socratic questioning where it's needed and share it out.

Every encounter brings new perspective, whether it results in agreement or disagreement, be it with public practitioner or talented friends; taking numerous opportunities also to express my own thoughts along the road - why not?"

Copyright © Diandra A. 2013